Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My first post (and a desperate cry for title help)

Look at me! I'm blogging! Laura's blog has inspired me to start my own, and I'm only about ten years behind the rest of the world in discovering the joys of publishing my most random thoughts for all the world to read (except that I'm still apparently a little afraid of the world at large and am only allowing the people I invite to read this).

In my attempt to come up with a witty title for this blog (at which I've so far failed), I googled my first name hoping to find something inspiring. After many Spelling- and Amos-dedicated pages, I learned that "Tori" is also a breed of horse (http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/horses/tori/index.htm). I don't love that.


Laura Olson said...

Personally, I think you should call it Transcending Self. Just kidding! I'm so happy you've entered the blogosphere, and I can't wait to live the urban life vicariously through your posts!

nolson said...

How about "Tori's Super-Bitchin Ultra Mega Blog Site"

Shannon said...

Too good for livejournal, eh?

...I wonder if I can get an rss feed of your blog. Hrm...

Tori said...

Beats the hell out of what I have now!

Unknown said...

Thanks for encluding me to read your, still to be named, blog!

I'm great at naming children :) , but not so good at blogs . . . I don't think I can beat the suggestion you already got!

Tina said...

The closest I can get to something interesting is Tori's Tellings... So I think you've done better than me. :)

And I'm with Laura - I can't wait to live your single girl in the big city life vicariously through your swank new blog!

Throw in some details about all the really yummy food I'm missing - just so I can be really really jealous!