Tuesday, May 1, 2007

(No) Sex and the City

In my ongoing quest for love, I’ve recently realized that match.com is like a bad boyfriend you can’t quite shake: he makes all these great promises, and in moments of weakness you see all his potential and forget all the times he’s disappointed you in the past; he’s there every time you feel alone, but you quickly realize that you’re the one doing all the work in the relationship; you think you’ve found someone with whom you’re compatible until you see him hanging out with Dr. Phil. Even though I know all of this, I keep going back for more.

All this is a prelude to this sad story: I recently signed up for one month on lavalife.com (a half-hearted attempt to break it off with match, I guess), and for the past week and a half or so I’ve been emailing with a normal sounding guy. I didn’t think he was going to be the love of my life based on our emails, but he seemed to have enough going for him that I’d give him a chance in person. Then yesterday he drops this bombshell; I asked what he did over the weekend and he said that he never does anything Friday nights or Saturdays because he observes the Sabbath. Then, in response to some Boston weekend/clam chowder comment, he tells me he keeps kosher. Riddle me this, Batman: How am I going to date someone who can’t go out on the weekend and has only a few restaurants where he’ll eat? As someone who advertises herself as non-religious, I’m really not looking for someone who devotes that much of his lifestyle to God. Am I alone in thinking that if he’s this religious he should let a girl know from the start?

To complete the cycle, I’ll probably leave lavalife and return to the disappointing arms of my man, match.


Veronica said...

It seems like if he's that religious, that it affects his daily social life like that, it should be advertised right in his profile. It would totally limit the people who would start something up with him, but at least the ones who did would know and accept that aspect of him right from the start.

Shannon said...

I second Veronica's comment. Still, one dud doesn't mean total failure. I'd continue trying lavalife, at least until your month is up. What could it hurt?

Unknown said...

I think they're both right.

A free month is a free month. No sense in stopping just because of one "false advertiser"! Match is still there, and will remain true at least until your month is over. And I think you might want to let this guy know (you can always spin stuff so it sounds "nice"!) that he might want to be more up front in the future, so as not to waste his time or others.