Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Some Things Shouldn't Be Fried

I love the Food Network. We don't have cable, so among my limited options it's definitely my go-to channel. I checked it out the other day and saw one of the most disgusting things ever: DEEP FRIED BUTTER. Seriously? Seriously?! There are some things, delicious though they may be, that don't need help to be unhealthy.

I'm shocked that there doesn't seem to be a video of this horror online, but you can read the recipe on the Food Network site. Suffice it to say that in addition to butter, there's cream cheese, eggs, and hot oil involved. So gross.


Rena said...

This post made no sense to me until I clicked on the link and found out it's a Paula Deen recipe. I swear, that woman will fry anything! She's trying to kill us all!

I think she's hilarious and so fun to watch but really...

ellebee said...

Mmmm. Fried butter.

Tina said...

Eeeeeeew. Fried Butter?!?!?! That just sounds DISGUSTING! I can feel my arteries hardening just typing the words. ick!

Unknown said...

I hear it's really good with a little grissle or lard.