Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Great Saunter

Todd and I joined my friend Kimberly for a walk around the island today. It's called the Great Saunter: each year a group of New Yorkers meet at South Street Seaport and start north with the goal of walking all around the perimeter of Manhattan. I loved seeing the city from a different perspective. There were certainly parts I had walked before but also plenty that I hadn't. We were able to stick almost exclusively to parks walking up the west side, and I especially loved the cherry blossoms in Riverside Park. They were so pretty that we even stopped for an impromptu photo shoot--the results are all on Todd's camera, but I'll update the post when I'm able to get them from him.

Todd and I quit at the George Washington Bridge, which we figured was about fourteen miles, but Kimberly walked the whole island, which absolutely deserves a major shout out. I was pooped by the time I quit, so I can only imagine how she felt as she made her way all the way down the east side.


kimberly kinchen said...


It was great, but I'm definitely still in the ouch/recovery phase. Every time I sit down for more than a few minutes, getting up again is a major ordeal.

But did you look at their schedule? I may go on a few of the upcoming ones. After the great saunter they all seem like nice little strolls. At least, assuming I recover. You've been initiated - and made a much more impressive first outing then I did! - so look for me to strong arm you into a few of the upcoming walks.