Thursday, May 8, 2008

So damn tired

Does anyone know whether seasonal allergies make you tired? I know, of course, that I could google this, but a) that would leave me with nothing to blog about and b) your anecdotal evidence is a lot more fun than slogging through article after article on WebMD. Anyway, I ask because I’ve been completely pooped lately. Last night I went to bed really early with my book. I planned to read a lot—I’m trying to get through my current book and a book club selection in the next week or so and was excited to have a good chunk of the night dedicated to reading. Instead I fell asleep about three pages in and still was barely able to drag myself out of bed this morning. I’m getting plenty of sleep, so the allergies thing is all I can think of as an explanation.

In a related story, I had to sit through a work meeting yesterday that REALLY tested my ability to stay awake. The room was stifling hot, and it’s a ginormous meeting—something like 200 people. The school holds it once a semester, and it’s a good opportunity to find out about all the big goings on. It’s also a good opportunity to take a nap if you don’t mind getting a smack down from your boss. Since I actually like my job, I was trying very hard to stay alert. I pulled out all the old college tricks, including trying to take notes just to give myself something to do (they’re practically illegible) and digging my fingernails into my palms so hard that I had half circle wounds by the time the meeting (two LONG hours) was finally over. It was brutal.


kimberly kinchen said...

THAT's what all that mad scribbling was about. I thought you might be working on the stupid novel to pass the time!

Tori said...

Actually, that's what half the mad scribbling was!