Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Primary Musings

So you probably already know that Hillary is the second Clinton to be something of a comeback kid now. She’s still very far from the nomination, and I still think it will ultimately go to Obama, but yesterday’s wins in Texas, Ohio, and Rhode Island were definitely the shot in the arm her campaign needed (Barack won Vermont). Unfortunately, as time goes on, I only become more and more convinced that Obama is the better candidate. The ongoing race is definitely a good thing for democracy, and it’s great to see this primary race motivating and engaging people in a way that most primaries don’t. I’d like Hillary to stop going so negative, though. When Obama is, ultimately, our candidate, the last thing we need are sound bites like this one where Hillary says, “I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002."

Anyway, when I left my apartment this morning, I stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of a father walking his son to school. I was just a few steps ahead of them, so I couldn’t help but overhear their conversation: The dad was explaining to his son—seven or eight by my best guess—the difference between pledge delegates and super delegates. The boy seemed totally engaged and interested, asking questions and commenting on what his father was saying. It was awesome!

And then I came to work and my friend showed me a New Yorker article interpreting dreams of various Hillary and Barack supporters. And check it out--you can post your own candidate-themed dream. Please tell me if you do!


Anonymous said...

As usual, I have to disagree with you on the best candidate (Go Hillary!), but I love the New Yorker article. Have you had any Obama dreams? :)

S Bennett said...

The ongoing race is definitely a good thing for democracy, and it’s great to see this primary race motivating and engaging people in a way that most primaries don’t. I’d like Hillary to stop going so negative, though.

I don't know that it's a good thing for democracy, but then again, I'm cynical. Today I'm thinking: It will only get more negative, without being conclusive. It will go to the convention and be brokered undemocratically by superdelegates. It will turn people off to party politics. McCain will win the presidency, and the Clintons who had decimated the Democratic party once in 1994 will do it again in 2008.

Too negative?

Kristinn said...

I actually have girlfriends fantasizing about sleeping with him. "Ew!" is all I have to say about that one. On a separate note, I was intensely bothered by this article that I read in The Nation -- -- your thoughts?

Tori said...

Yes, Ben, too negative! Even if you don't like the result (i.e., McCain winning) it's hard to argue that engaging a greater number of people is anything but good for democracy.

The superdelegates in general are bullshit, I'll give you that one.

kk said...

Now you can post your dreams about McCain, too...
I don't know why, but my favorite Hillary dream is the one in which the guy from Colorado shoots her, and she returns fire. I have had NO candidate dreams so far, which disappoints me.