Sunday, April 6, 2008

No Freedom of Information Act here

Just when you think George Bush and his administration have become just about as abhorrent as is possible, they do something to remind you that the depths of their manipulation knows no bounds. As this Wired article details, a government-funded health website now refuses to return any search results about abortion. It’s being billed as “the world's largest database on reproductive health” and it produces no results on abortion!?! Even if it was ideologically biased (and I’d expect nothing less from an agency of GWB’s), you’d think something would come back. But to simply pretend results don’t exist just seems outrageously eastern bloc to me.

It reminds me of something I heard about a search engine (this was a word of mouth story, so I’m fuzzy on the details and not even 100% sure it’s true) giving you that, “did you mean...?” thing whenever someone searched for “abortion.” Instead, you’d get: “Did you mean ‘adoption?’” I don’t know for sure that this is true, but given this Wired story, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Update: I checked out the site and it does, in fact, return some results. Maybe the press shamed them.


kimberly kinchen said...

That would the first time in a long time that a press shaming actually worked. Or do I grow too cynical?