Saturday, November 15, 2008

from 52 to 48 | 48 to 52 with love

Todd and I were out eating Ethiopian food one time when we disagreed about something fairly minor but which I blew out of proportion (as I will), stating that if we didn't agree on this one stupid thing, we were fundamentally different and probably doomed. A little further into dinner my mind flashed to James Carville and Mary Matlin, the political odd couple. He's a dem who loyally supports the Clintons. She's a republican and has worked in various ways with G.H.W. Bush and Dick Cheney. I figured, if they could make it work, this dumb thing I was freaking out about could probably be handled, too. Todd hasn't loved that I often call him Mary Matlin now when we disagree, but I digress.

Ze Frank has come up with a somewhat similar notion—that we can make it work without always agreeing—and posted this great collection of images submitted by his readers. What's a little weird is how much animosity this project apparently created. Even if you're unhappy about the results of the election, it's pretty counter-producitive to find fault with an attempt to bridge the red/blue divide.


S Bennett said...

You realize that when you call Todd Matlin, that makes you Carville.

Also, I would argue that the reason Carville and Matlin can make it work is because they are unscrupulous mercenaries. (Did you ever see "Our Brand is Chaos?" Fantastic documentary on Carville's firm.)

That 48 to 52 thing is very sweet though.

Tori said...

Yeah, and Carville annoys me, but I'd rather be the democrat in any situation. Plus calling Todd both a republican and a girl ups the annoyance factor which is part of the point.

I've never seen "Our Brand is Chaos," but I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip.

Unknown said...

I'm the mouth from the south!