Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Joe Lieberman can suck it

Remember that great SNL sketch (the first with the lovable Tina Fey as Sarah Palin, I believe) where Hillary was talking about the media growing a pair? Yeah, well she should maybe talk to her own party about that very same thing. Total suckers that they are, the democrats today decided by a secret vote (because they know that people will kick the asses of whichever pussies voted this way) to keep the loathe-worthy Joe Lieberman in his post as chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

In related news, today is Laugh at Joe Lieberman Day. As Jason Linkins points out, this is both pointless and dumb.


S Bennett said...

I wonder if the Republicans are going run a decent candidate against him next time. The only reasons he's Senator is because Republicans ran an idiot against him, so that Ned Lamont was the only real challenger.

Oh Ned.