Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama’s Wit

Obama and McCain both made appearances this week at the Al Smith dinner, a fundraiser that is a standard stop along the presidential campaign trail. There is typically an element of comedy to the event, and I liked some of Obama’s lines:

  • “Many of you know that I got my name from my father. "Barack" is Swahili for "That one." I got my middle name from somebody who obviously didn't realize I would run for president."
  • "My greatest strength would be my humility. My greatest weakness is that it's possible I am too awesome."
  • On his “celebrity” status: “[I] punched a paparazzi on my way out of Spago's. I even spilled my soy chai latte.”


S Bennett said...

You gotta give props to McCain for his remarks too. If, for nothing else, that it reminds us that there is a pretty decent guy behind that filthy campaign and stupid agenda.

Imagine if that decent guy got out . . . the campaign would be much closer . . .

Tori said...

Sorry. This blog is not about giving props to McCain.
