Saturday, January 19, 2008

A resolution for 2008

I'm not a huge fan of New Year's resolutions; they seem to always be the same for everyone (lose weight, exercise more, quit smoking, etc.), but this year I want to think about what parts of my life I really do like and what I don't. I want to set goals for myself to try to bring my life more in line with the way I want it to be. So here, to that end, is my first goal of the year:

Read more books. Last year I read forty one. I thought that was pretty good, given that some of what I read is long, some is dense (though some books are admittedly fluffy), and I'm not a speed reader. Then I saw a couple other people's 2007 books-read lists, and they both read upward of fifty books. Because I'm naturally competitive, I take this as a challenge. So in 2008, I'm going to read more books than I did in 2007. And in 2009, I'm going to read more than I did in 2008, and onward forever.