Thursday, September 18, 2008


Some days, the world offers up inspiration a-plenty and I feel ready to blog about any number of topics. Then there are days like today when I seriously can't think of a single thing to write about. It's too soon for another political rant (though I could probably do that every day!); I have no books, movies, or plays to write about; and nothing at all interesting happened to me today.

My apartment is a mess, so I woke up early to tidy it up. It's still a mess, but a slightly less obvious one. And even though I was up early, I still didn't make it to the cleaners, so I have a giant-ass bag of dirty laundry waiting to go tomorrow. I am going to my mom's for the weekend after work tomorrow, so I have to pack but haven't actually gotten around to doing it yet. Yeah. This is riveting stuff. See what I mean? Nothing to write about!

Things are about to get better for me, though, because Todd is on his way over. Not only do I get an evening with him, but he's bringing the latest ep of Project Runway with him so I can catch up and find out about one more designer not making it to Fashion Week (which already happened, so I'm stymied as to whether I should refer to it in the past tense or future...).

This might be my dumbest post ever.


Rena said...

At least we know what you are up to this weekend :)

Tina said...

Perhaps not as riveting as your theater reviews or political discussions, but it's good to know that someone's life is as exciting as mine. :)

S Bennett said...

Every post that mentions Project Runway is a great post. Thoughts on Kennley?