Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another Resolution

It's a cliche, but another of my new year's resolutions is to lose weight. I read some advice recently that I thought was pretty good—that all resolutions should be fun, that way they are easier to keep. I don't think that giving up mac and cheese will be fun on its own, so I've brainstormed a way to at least make it more interesting and prey upon my competitive spirit. To that end I propose the Cash Prizes and Smaller Sizes 2009 Weight Loss Challenge.

Take a look and let me know if you're interested. It will officially begin on Monday, January 5, and all takers should be signed up by that date.


Rena said...

I'm in! Sign me up.

I'd also be happy to donate some jewelry for the weekly prizes or whatever you were thinking about :)

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

Maybe next year. :) This is a great idea though!

Dorrie said...

How sad is it that I read this post, thought, "Oh I should do that." and then went and made two dozen cookies and had Mac and Cheese for dinner? I'm in though.. But with a diet like that I'm not going to be the biggest loser...

Tori said...

Don't worry, Dorrie. Todd and I went out for a feast last night. Our thinking is that we are going to live it up while we still can. Nothing counts until 1/5!

Glad you're doing it!