Monday, November 16, 2009

Making Art at the Met

The best part about yesterday was when Todd, in what he likes to call his benevolent dictator mode, insisted we all grab our sketch pads and go to the Met. It was freakishly warm for mid-November, so the four of us took a rambling walk through Central Park to the east side. Thanks to our never-returned McGraw-Hill ID cards, Todd and I still get free entrance to most museums in the city, and we took advantage it yesterday.

There are always plenty of people using the museum's art — sculptures, specifically, for us yesterday — as inspiration for their own work. I love to look over artists' shoulders to see what they're creating. My own sketches look like chicken scratch comparatively, but of the four drawings I did yesterday I liked three of them pretty well. I am no great talent, but I like the process of drawing, and I know the more I do it the better I'll get.


Tina said...

I love the 'benevolent dictator' and his dictat.

Although I'm sure mine would be a collection of barely discernible stick figures and nothing even remotely resembling art - still it would feel very very cool to actually draw in the Met. FAB idea!

ellebee said...

What a fun outing! I'm so impressed that you can draw. :)