Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ways to waste time at work

Except for the part where I have to wrack my brain to come up with interesting things to write about each day, I'm totally and completely loving NaBloPoMo. It tickles me more than you know to come in to work each morning certain that I'll have a few fun things to read from my friends. I should space out my blog reading, visiting one here and one there, but I'm like a starving kid in a candy story, gobbling everything down at once. Sadly, that leaves me with another seven and a half hours or so to get through with nary a blog post to read. So, how do I survive the boring patches of my days? Here are two of my favorites:

Go Fug Yourself: This site, written by two very funny women, skewers celebrities for the god awful things they wear. The mockery, complete with countless pop culture references and adoration for George Clooney (aka Intern George) is a must read.

Overheard in New York: I cannot tell you how easy it is to get sucked into this site. As the title suggests, the entire website is composed of little snippets of conversation overheard on the streets of New York. Because each conversation is bite sized, it's incredibly easy to keep thinking, I'll just read one more, and the next thing you know, you've been ignoring your work for an hour. It's addictive!


Anonymous said...

If you really want to waste time, install StumbleUpon (

Anonymous said...

I love both those sites, too!

Anonymous said...

Overheard in NY is too funny!!

Dorrie said...

Okay, I blame you for the 1/2 hour I just spent at Go Fug Yourself. I blame you for the sometimes silent and sometimes out loud laughing that I have just done. I work in a quiet little cubicle land, and I tried to be quiet while laughing really hard, but I wasn't able to do so. What an awesome site, but I need to read this at home where no one will see me laughing so hard I almost pee my pants.

Tina said...

Ok. I have just spent about 30 minutes nearly killing myself with laughter on Overheard. Damn you and your hilarious sites! I can't exactly say I'm working when I'm laughing so hard my face is purple, now can I? :)