Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Project Runway Down Under

I love Project Runway, but since I don't have cable I'm forced to look to the internet for new episodes. I'm not sure why the powers that be over at Bravo won't just put it on Hulu or their own website, but they won't. Luckily, some kind soul consistently loads new episodes onto youtube.

The other day I was looking around to find the latest ep and discovered instead Project Runway Australia. Todd and I have watched the first two episodes so far. He's not that excited, because he thinks that Aussies have no fashion sense; the designs have just not impressed him. I agree that so far the talent seems underwhelming...but the drama! The drama is somehow even greater than on our own beloved PR. Not-Heidi is a pretty poor stand in, I think, and Not-Tim lacks Tim Gunn's charm. Not-Tim, though, is a total hard ass, which is kind of fun. When time was up, he literally took the needle and thread out of one designer's hands.

It looks like the whole first season is available on youtube, but here's a look at the first runway show to pique your interest:

We've also discovered the UK's version, Project Catwalk, hosted by Kelly Osbourne. We haven't watched any full episodes, yet, though, so I'm not sure how it compares. In the ten minutes we did see, it looks like it's a less faithful adaptation. I'm sure I'll watch more and be able to fill you in soon. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm sad you have to watch PR on the internet! But, thanks for letting us know about the UK version - that sounds hysterical... :)