Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Goal

There was a time when I saw just about any show I could get tickets for. Good buzz or bad, I wanted to see it if it was on, off, or even off off Broadway. I've missed many, many shows recently, so I'm setting myself a goal to see at least two per month. Jen, my go-to theatre buddy, is off to Cape Cod for the foreseeable future, kayaking and rubbing elbows with all manner of Kennedys, which makes this resolution a little less fun. But I would really like to get back into the know about what shows are hot and which are just hot messes.

Anyone want to see Adding Machine?


Tina said...

I wish I was there! I'd be first in line! I'm loving Play by Play London! I've seen 1 show and have about a dozen I'd like to see, just need the time!