Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Obama VP Predictions

McCain can’t get more press (especially on this blog!) than our main man Barack, so let’s guess who his VP will be, too.


S Bennett said...

I can't believe Edwards is winning this poll.

I will grant that he was a far better agitator this election cycle than last cycle, but he has proven to be a substandard VP candidate. (See 2004.)

Also, who runs for anything while his/her spouse is being treated for cancer?

And, I've waited until my fourth point to mention the National Enquirer story . . .

Anonymous said...

An Edwards supporter, I always wondered about how. . . er, um . . .upstanding he was on the fidelity front.
I just saw the NE story via Romenesko. Sigh.

But, there were better reasons not to vote for Edwards in this poll (I didn't), IMHO. Age and experience - Obama needs it to complement him and to quash concerns about the int'l relations/ fo po experience thing (current tour not withstanding)


here's the NE link, for those even slower than I;