Friday, August 28, 2009

Bread Pudding

Any big bread pudding fans out there? I just read a recipe that sounded stupidly simple to make, and I’m thinking of trying it out this weekend. I really need to stop with the baking if I ever want to lose weight. The problem is that the baking and eating is so much more fun than trying to fit into skinny jeans.

I think that next week we'll find out what Dorrie has in store for us on Have the Cake, and I'm pretty sure it's not bread pudding. I could wait and get my baking fix with whatever she's planning, but there are no guarantees that I'll take that moderate approach.


Rena said...

I have always wanted to make bread pudding! I usually stop myself because I know I'll eat the whole thing so I might as well just sit down with a loaf and a jar of Nutella and call it a day.
Can you post the recipe?

Dorrie said...

I love bread pudding and have a really simple and delicious recipe for it from my "Short and Sweet" book. I can't wait to hear how yours comes out.
And I can't wait to post next month's Have the Cake challenge. Here comes chocolate!