Monday, August 17, 2009

Winslow Farm

One of the more off-the-beaten path things that I did while visiting my sister was go to an animal sanctuary not far from her house. Winslow Farm takes in abused or abandoned animals and provides them with a safe haven in which to live the rest of their lives.

The place has about 100 cats roaming around, a couple of dogs, and sheep, pigs, goats, horses, and at least one emu. They probably have tons of other animals, too, that I didn't even see. Veronica and Mike are partial to Waterford the pig, who is one year old, the biggest pig I've ever seen in my life, and likely to double in size by the time he stops growing. Seriously, that pig will be as big as a horse!

For my money, I loved a goat named Mervin. He followed us around the farm like a dog would. We walked: Mervin walked. We stopped: Mervin stopped. If we stood around for too long, he'd gently head butt one of our hands, letting us know that now was a good time to pet him. He was awesome.


Rena said...

Aw, he's cute! Maybe you need a pet goat?

Tina said...

I hear goats are much better than lawnmowers. Maybe Rena should adopt Mervin? :)