Thursday, July 10, 2008

Love this book cover

I subscribe to The Book Design Review blog, which is simultaneously a great quick fix of visual stimulation and feeds my bibliophile nature. I know, I know, don't judge a book by its cover; that's good advice since the author and the designer are not the same person. One could be wildly talented and the other not, or they could simply be mismatched. A cover is not always indicative of a book's contents or worth. Still, I'm interested from a design perspective, and the BDR gave me a great cover to look at today.

I haven't read Why You Should Read Kafka Before You Waste Your Life, so I really can't comment on how good it is. But I'll say this: I love this cover. I love everything about it, right down to the cockroach's crossed legs. Love it. Way to go Steve Snider (designer) and Douglas Smith (illustrator).


S Bennett said...

That's a great cover, but I don't understand why anyone would read a book like that. It's like the book about reading Proust that came out a few years ago. Why read about how great Kafka or Proust is? Why not just read Kafka and Proust?

Of course, that's not the point of the post, is it? It's a great cover.

Tina said...

It is a great cover. And until you mentioned it, I missed the cockroach's crossed legs. I'm always amazed at hoe clever and talented people are. (and, not a little intimidated, if I'm honest) :)